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WhatIf gohan Activate Raditz's ship

I want to be with my father, says gohan, he closed the door, shut up if you don't want me to send you into space, he would say radits, gohan for wanting to flee is pressing buttons on Raditz's ship at random and he is taking the flight and having gohan for him. Goku and Picoro arrive and watch Radtiz's ship leave and Goku spots gohan inside. He shouts "no, GOHAN" and Goku and Picoro fight Raditz until Raditz is hit in the armor and accidentally destroys the remote control, then distracts radix and brings Raditz's tail, saying Give me back my gohan, Raditz says "I can't remote control my ship broke his fault", then itchy to kill Raditz with macancosapo, maybe we can use the dragon balls to bring Gohan, No, I doubt it. , Picoro says, the seven spheres must be together and the four-star ball was on Gohan's head, without that Shenlong sphere does not work, with the radio, vegeta and Napa they learn of Radtiz's death, but they do nothing to he heard very superficially from the dragon balls that it doesn't matter because he doesn't work as well or attacked, Goku comes home and gave him the bad news for everyone and Bulma happened "we can create a radar dragon with a higher grade one that works with everything the universe and thus arrive Gohan, author's note as there has been in the dragon ball gt and how are we going to travel? Goku said - we could use your ship, with which Goku came to earth responded to Bulma and it was how He made a relentless quest, he found goku's ship destroyed, but functional enough to rebuild one with it. a year later and as in dragon ball gt, bulma would build a radar that captures dragon balls in space by programming Raditz's radar to function Ion with Earth letters gohan with him that it was time to go to gohan but where they believed that he took the sign of another destination, he waited for them when namek arrived they exchanged knowledge with the inhabitants. They recently discovered that Picoro is an alien and the story of death before The great patriarch told them his reasons, and Nameks refused to give his spheres, his greatest treasure to some new ones barely known to find a child they don't know. You see the dragon radar, it identifies six spheres on earth and seven in Namek, it is how the 7th had gone so new, Frezzer continued to be the emperor of the universe, and that he has become one of Dr. Makigero creates the androids and the note from the author, they would not be as powerful as the original story, because he has not yet discovered the super sayayin. but, on the other hand, they trained like never before, Goku faces the battle, Krillin comes and Dr. makijero kills Krillin and it bothers Goku that transforms first Super sayayin what the power that he says Goku, Goku kills the Makigero. aMakigero before dying active to androids 17 and 18. kamisama feels a presence and thinks he has to do other spheres. And in the original story comes to Goku and would give a fight while there is a creature, the author's note creeps Trunks of the future would not arrive for two reasons: first, because Vegeta and Bulma did not meet and secondly because not yet the time travel, Dr. Maquillero's androids would face Goku because the Doctor did not know of the Super Sayayin not to create androids as strong as in the original story most would be as strong as line 1 of the original story of those who barely get fight against Trunks before the ignorance of the super sayayin of goku. but nothing can be done, but Goku would have the feeling of advantage. So android at a disadvantage to awaken android 16. Android 16 if he had the power of the original story, because in the original story he had that power if his body's name boasted the power of goku. The crawling creature was Cell, who had escaped from his lab as Makigero woke up at 17 and 18. Cell would absorb some people, that presence would feel kamisama and rogue Junior hadn't seen Goku in years since he killed Raditz. The author notes that Cell is not as powerful, which is slightly less than the 18th of this timeline, but Piccolo is not so powerful either, since he never merged with kamisama, so by Picoro's relativity, Cell would find the Androids, but the problem with cell is that android 16 is very powerful, androids always go with it, cell is a joke for android 16. The Z warriors manage to destroy the androids since there was no krillin to prevent it, Cell was very angry to learn of the death of the androids and unfortunately for cell, no one has built a time machine, cell can not travel to space since it does not It has frezzer cells, so the only way to become strong is absorbing people and training, so cell began to absorb people, this attracted the attention of goku, I can not say the z warriors since Krillin and Yancha have died, tenshi nhan and chaoz have drifted apart, and due to the loss of the sphere they cannot summon shenlong to revive. They would face each other and cell would lose since it does not know how to activate the supersayajin nor does it have androids to absover. but a mistake, goku did not know that cell can regenerate, so cell survived, regenerated and got a zenkai, but not so great, it regenerated imperfectly and thus remained entering without anyone seeing it. frezzer remains the emperor of the universe, vegeta and nappa his servants, the planet namek remains intact. What will happen in the next part? write it in the comments see you in the next . bye 

Si Annie se enamoraba de berthold

El video fue pedido por Grankenz111
empezemos ok ya yo creo que la historia . antes de que bertholt destruya la muralla hay un viaje de Bertholt , Annie,Reiner y Marcell y hay Annie y Reiner se pelean ( ambos salen muy eridos del encuentro)(Reiner intenta ahorcar a Annie y annie lo pateó contra un árbol) bertholt la ayudaría,y desde ahí creo que Bertholt podría ganar afecto y preocupación de Annie y como la historia original destruirian la muralla . Y como la historia original se irian a los refugiados .

el primer dia que despertaron dentro , fueron a por pan, Annie no estaba segura si debian comer pan, y mas cuando al llegar eran los ultimos en resibir pan . pues el pan se acabo con ellos .No pudieron comer tranquilos con eso .investigarian de los reyes de las murallas descubriendo que el rey es falso, algo sobre los ackerman y a _Reiner se le ocurre la estupida idea de unirse a la policia militar

. Como la historia original . y ahi es la milicia Annie pensaria en Berthold y diria ¿berthold es muy timido ? tendre que dar el primer paso .
Entonces Annie se acercaria a Berthold y le diria que ha notado que se fija mucho en ella y quiere saber si le gusta.
Berthold estaba a punto de decir que no por la verguenza , pero annie diria ," porque tu tambien me gustas y quisiera ver algo contigo .Esa fue una sorpresa para Berthold .Ya el resto de la historia igual a la original . Descubririan que Eren es un titan cambiante y se decidirian a llevarselo a Marley . Para esta ocacion Decidirian llevarse a Eren de una, no volver .
Annie iria como titan hembra y como la historia original, mataria al escuadron Levi . Pero cuando Escucharon el grito del bosque , mikasa se escaparia de su formacion para ir por Eren y Berthold viendo eso iria por Annie, Reiner viendo que Berthold se va , lo sigue . Berthold veria a Annie ser derivada por Levi y como Sacan a eren de su boca, berthold se enojaria y lo pensaria un momento .Annie puede resistir ? y despues de pensarlo unos segundos, se corta gritando ANNIE CRISTALIZATE.

Annie se critaliza y Berthold se tranforma con la explocion colosal nuclear. explotando todo en un radio inmenso ,eso obligaria a Reiner a entrar al bosque y buscar, encontrando a Eren entre los escombros , se vuelve titan y lo recoge, Por si las dudas, levi y mikasa muerieron con esa explocion. El cuerpo de exploracion iria a ver que esta pasando, El titan colosal y acorazado ahi prsentes, Erwin ordena atacarlos, Reiner recoge a Annie y a Berthold y soltando su endurecimiento en las piernas correr.
Ahora creo que solo seria cuestion de tiempo en lo que los titanes atrapen a Reiner. el cuerpo de exploracion desde la distanciapensarian en que se los coman, Pero Erwin tenia la esperanza de que Eren este vivo y ordeno que lo rescaten . Asi los mas fieles se acercarian .bertholt más motivado de no querer morir lograría capturar a EREN. Annie se convertiria denuevo en titan para matarlos. A lo que Berthold se transforma una segunda vez para llevarse a Eren y se llevan a Eren a Marley, cuando fueron corriendo por la explocion el cuerpo de exploracion quedo herido y no pudieron seguirlos . AL LLegar a la playa se encuentran con Zeke quien comprueba que Eren es sangre real al tocarlo e ingresar sin planearlo a los caminos invisibles, ya estando ahi los 2 hermanos hablan.
Eren ve en el recuerdo de su padre , hablando con los reiss, Eren al ecuchar que los reiss tienen el poder de acabar con los titanes y no lo hacen hace comentarios que motivan a grisha a matarlos, aparte de ver la vida de grisha y ponerse al tanto con su hermano. Zeke aprovecha eso para hacer esteriles a los eldianos . y al volver . regresan a marley donde Eren es comido por un guerrero eldiano, posiblemente Pokko, Ya que Zeke no pudo hacer nada .mas su plan se cumplio .
lo siguiente que harian seria atacar la isla . mientras tanto en la isla el cuerpo de exploracion fue disuelto .un dia vieron el cielo oscurecerse con los zepelines, los marley atacaron , Ganaron . Ymir intento salvarse usando su poder titan pero fue vencida y se la llevaron a Marley a ser comida por Colt .Marley gana en esta historia pero como zeke hizo su jugada despues de un tiempo los eldianos se extingen al no poder reproducirse y no podian revertir lo hecho porque los reiss habian muerto y nadie sabia que Historia tenia sangre real. Fin
y así ese aporte les puedo dar les parece al menos aceptable