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What if kaneki was sent to the universe of shingeki no kyojin part 1?

Hello, today I bring you the first part of what would have happened if Kaneki was sent to the universe of Shingeki no kyojin, long ago I wanted to make this theory we will use Kaneki joining the ahogiri but then a portal will be opened and it will be absorbed by a portal the portal was created? I will explain it later, you hear an explosion and wake up in a wall when you see a giant human without skin and wonders what was that? when he sees how the monster sweeps the area of ​​cannons, Kaneki jumps to dodge it, but sees how other humans are expelled from the wall but use their three-dimensional maneuver equipment to avoid falling except samuel who had to be saved by sasha to avoid falling into the void since he had fainted everyone realizes that the door is broken and Eren tells his companions to prepare to defeat the colossal titan and not let him escape Kaneki to hear that he thought that what they called titan colossal was the enemy of humanity and decides to attack him, everyone sees how someone with four red tails attacks the titan, cutting off his hand from the wrist, Eren is surprised, Kaneki runs for the titan's arm at an inhuman speed when he arrives on his shoulder he jumps up to the face and sticks his tails in his forehead thinking that he has won but the titan begins to expel a lot of steam at high temperature Kaneki goes flying going at great speed breaking the floor of the wall a bit, everyone sees Kaneki, they think he was dead but Kaneki starts to
heal only the wounds and scrapes that had Kaneki stands and look at Eren, he responds by attacking with swords but with the skin of kaneki only make scratches and split leaving everyone surprised and says, I am not your enemy also help you with that monsters you should thank the people who save your life, Kaneki approaches the edge of the wall Eren shouts at him stay still or I'll kill you Kaneki says goodbye and throws himself on the side of the wall everyone sees him get down and approach and they see how Kaneki is falling and they see a titan who had entered through the gap that the titan colossal had made, kanekli attacks randomly and cuts the nape of his neck and kills him, he wonders why he died with this attack and he did not die giant titan when I stuck my coals in his forehead, he sees another titan and attacks him in the heart but sees how it regenerates decides to attack the nape of the neck again killing him and thinks, then that is his weak point, Kaneki is as he growls pa and decided to try the titan biting what was left of flesh and bones since it was disintegrating is not like the hunger to think this is delicious I can satisfy with this, all those who were up the wall see how Kaneki was devouring a titan, Kaneki to satiate himself runs to the houses hiding while a soldier superior to them approached them saying that a defense operation handled by the stationary troops, the graduates. they leave the area, at that time the citizens of Trost begin to be evacuated while the stationary troops cover the gap with cannons and nets in order to delay the titans a bit, begin a defensive attack with the cannons, the three-dimensional maneuver teams in the headquarters where the graduate cadets were. Armin scared and shaking says that humanity has no way to avoid this kind of situation, Eren tells him to calm down and when Armin starts to calm down a gunshot is heard from outside that tells the soldiers that it is time to fight against the titans since the frontal guard was completely eliminated and the titans began to enter the interior of the wall Rosa, the commander dot pixies is entertaining himself with which when pixies receives the news that the titans invade trost and the cadets who were in front of the colossal titan they saw a white-haired boy facing the titan and a cadet named Eren jeaguer tried to cut him because he regenerated his wounds at high speed like a titan and also pulled four red tails from his back that cut the hand of the titan colossal and it crossed the head to him therefore the cadet tried to cut it but it says that when touching its leaves against its skin the leaves part ieron, surprised pixies are removed immediately although it means and withdraws meanwhile the graduates of the troop of recruits of the cycle number 104 have been incorporated to the stationary troops temporarily in order to protect trost, facilitate the evacuation of civilians and prevent the titan armored from breaking the door, the soldiers assigned to the middle guard are located between the front guard and the breach the front guard is located in the front of the city the rear guard is located at the bases of the walls the soldiers of the stationary troop. recruits of cycle 104 are of very low self-esteem to recent events especially jean who supposedly tomorrow would go to the military police tomorrow, Eren meets jean, they start arguing, Mikasa goes to them to separate them but Eren keeps telling jean motivating things like they have trained hard for three years to learn to fight with the titans, Eren tells Jean that if he wants to go inside tomorrow he will have to fight and win is speechless Mikasa tells Eren to go to her when he is in trouble he was about to
respond to Mikasa when a superior soldier in the rear orders Mikasa to go with them she is dissatisfied by complaining until he hits a headbutt telling him not to abandon his duty as a soldier, Mikasa apologizes to Eren and asks him to please survive Eren and some of his teammates form the squad formed by Eren jeaguer, Armin alert minacarolina thomas wagner and others were many titans and Eren and his squad know the order to depart Eren tells his team that this experience will serve them when they enter the survey Corps, the rest of his team are according to what Eren says and when they are given the signal they leave the venue with a good spirit as they cross the city they realize that many titans are dead and they see as someone hooded I was killing one by one Eren tells him to advance that do not give importance to him while he does not attack us we will not attack him, suddenly an eccentric titan jumps in the air eating thomas wagner Eren angry uses his team of three-dimensional maneuvers to go to that titan when he almost manages to kill another titan jumps eating Eren's leg it falls on the houses causing serious damage to his body, the rest of the group will see what it happened to Eren, they go to very high speed to assist him but in the mission to help Eren all are captured and killed by the titans except Armin who is shocked to see Eren, Armin is captured by a titan with a beard and Armin begins to scream desperately Eren rushes and pulls Armin before falling to the depths of the throat of the titan Eren at that moment renews his promise to survive until he can experience what is outside, at the time that Eren says those words towards Armin the titan of the beard closes his mouth swallowing Eren and is losing his left arm, while the civilians tried to be evacuated but it seems that the passage to the wall is He is stopped by a chariot carrying supplies. The civilians try to get a soldier of the stationary troops to try to get the chief man of the trade federation to let them pass, but this soldier is threatened by the head of the trade federation. The man insists that help but the civilians want to go to the city a few steps are heard and an eccentric titan is observed running towards the door they all begin to desperately push the float no soldier can reach the eccentric titan but Mikasa tries to reach him when he sees a boy in front of the civilians who takes four red tentacles and runs at great speed towards the titan cutting his legs making him fall to the ground and Kaneki begins to devour the titan he nails the cagune in his arms leaving him motionless and crosses the back of his neck to kill him Kaneki looks at Mikasa and then look at the civilians Mikasa thinks he is the boy who said Eren in Mikasa asks him how does he call you s? Kaneki responds, "My name is Kaneki, and you" Mikasa would say, "My name is Mikasa, I'll say this once, are you an enemy?" Kaneki smiles and says "I'm not an enemy", points to the titan's bones and tells him what those things are? , Mikasa tells him I'll explain it to you later if you want to first we have to save the civilians the head of the trade federation tells Mikasa to force the civilians to help her but she replies that her comrades are dying and that she is not going to do says to Mikasa that only soldiers emerged after 100 years of
uselessness and Mikasa is furious with this man approaches and civilians make room for him to pass Mikasa tells the man that if he thinks it is normal for people to die for others sacrifice their lives to be able to save many others the guards they protect him by putting himself in front of him the man threatening him telling him to warn his commander, the guardians attack Mikasa but kaneki appears in front of them and says "move the cart or devour them", the guardians are scared the man He tells him not to be scared that only a Kaneki boy pulls out his tentacles and tells him that they do not want to attack me because they will die if they do, Kaneki sticks a stinger in the cart and destroys it with the other drawers tells the civilians to pass in Mikasa looks surprised at kaneki, the question where am I? It does not look like Tokyo, mikasa says tokyo? what is that ? , people are afraid of Kaneki and run , Mikasa asking him who are you? and Kaneki responds I'm a ghoul,, I'm going to satisfy my hunger Kaneki jumps to the roof of a house and runs through the roofs at an inhuman speed then Mikasa goes with reiner and asks if he saw Eren, Rainer tells him he's just Armin with them Mikasa goes to Armin to ask where is Eren, Armin starts to cry and tells him the name of all the dead soldiers including Eren, Mikasa asks Marco can they replenish their gas supplies and climb the wall if they reach the barracks and defeat all the titans? Mikasa says that she will go to the barracks and everyone tells her that she will not be able to get there and that if she does all the titans she will devour her. At that moment she says that she is very strong so strong that she can get rid of those who want to call them cowards, despising them all. for giving up wanting to live some warn him that he will die and Mikasa admits the river to go there at that time uses the same words that Eren used with her to fight when the kidnapper wanted to kill Eren, jean is encouraged by Mikasa and insists on that follow her as he does asking his companions if they were trained to leave their partners alone then sasha goes ahead by repeating some of the words of Mikasa useless cowards delayed after there all follow Mikasa on the journey they realize that there many dead titans when a titan appears in front of them Mikasa accelerates to kill him but he sees how the ground falls all realize that there was somebody n that was killing the titans when they see a white-haired boy Mikasa shout continue Mikasa starts using a lot of gas and ends up falling into an Armin store and with ie they come to the rescue of Mikasa jean becomes the next leader and there he thinks about as she has lost all her family again while she reflects that she must do now a titan approaches her to kill her so much Jean and the rest are in the text near the headquarters since they stopped to observe the situation many titans block the way At that time some soldiers run out of gas and fall to the ground where all the titans were. Cane appears and starts to kill the titans that were there and shout at them, do not stay standing, leave who decides to grab those who were left without gas to leave the place in another place Mikasa remembers all his life and believes that despite how cruel the world was he had a good life for a moment resigns himself to the fact that he must die but when the titan is close enough she cuts a finger of the approaching titan and moves away from him dodging without having reasons according to her Mikasa wonders why is he still fighting for his life if he does not think he has reasons? at that time another titan appears in the opposite direction is at that time when he remembers how Eren told him he will fight when they are children, she promises herself not to give up fighting again in order to remember and prepare for face the titan with a small blade but seconds after Mikasa decided to fight the titan that was behind her she punches the titan she wanted, eat Mikasa this titan completely ignores Mikasa screaming wildly, Armin and Jean arrive to save Mikasa and climb the roofs mikasa tells them about the titan who killed the other titan and are surprised to see how he continues to fight against the other titans and that they attack him and that this rare specimen uses close combat positions to fight Armin changes his gas can filled with mikasa and he changed the leaves for me to fight but the boy keeps a leaf to commit suicide in case the titans They will try to eat it because he thinks he would rather die before being killed by a titan. Mikasa realizes that he put the life of his companions in danger because of his personal problems, then he takes the blade that Armin was holding to commit suicide and throws it to the ground from the roofs Mikasa tells Armin that he will leave behind Mikasa thinks about the titan attacking his own species mentioning that it impressed her since it was like seeing the fury of humanity embodied in a titan, Armin decides to stay behind to die and allow I married my escape and the two tell Armin that they will not leave him and take him with them when they were about to go Armin suggests the plan to use the titan who was attacking the others of his species to eat surprise and Mikasa accepts the plan of Armin since there is no other way to reach the refueling headquarters safely in another scene who still doubts his ability as a leader to see how his comrades are devoured and Then he takes the initiative again recommending his companions to follow him and use as a distraction the companions who are being devoured by the Mikasa Titans, Armin and Connie continue to attract the abnormal Titan that attacks those of his own. specie up to the replenishment headquarters Kim and his group keep trying to get away from all the titans that find frame thanks to gene for his determination to escape telling him that he is made to be a leader at that time Jean comes through the windows From the headquarters, wondering if the others had managed to do it but they arrive at once. Jean blames himself again for the death of his comrades and the way he used them as a distraction and does not observe the people in charge of the headquarters under a table crying and he asks if they are the ones in charge a young man affirms that yes and who hits him blaming him of how many soldiers the young woman who was there has explained to him that the titans invaded the refueling tank some titans break one of the walls of the place and they all begin to run to see them some young wonder where is Mikasa but they say that she had been devoured and I panicked thinking he was following an impossible dream he thinks there is no way to defeat the titans when he is about to surrender appears the abnormal titan attacking the titans surrounding the place killing the majority question that happens to that titan and at the same time arrives at Mikasa with Armin and connie tells everyone that the abnormal eltitan kills those of his own species and that they had been using it all are surprised to see that titan attacks his kind and refuses to trust him jean says It's impossible for her to be normal, but Mikasa tells everyone that she does not care if it's normal or not and that they let him massacre the remaining titans since it's the only opportunity they have to live with him. He says that titan is stronger than normal and who should not worry who finds weapons of the military police and Armin develops the plan to recover the refueling headquarters Armin explains that there are seven titans of meters in the tank below and that a group must arrive and the others attack them from behind Armin doubts his plan and frame tells him that there is no other option Mikasa tells him that he must start trusting him since that intuition has saved Eren's life and from her many times all are ready and those who are going to get them go down to the warehouse led by the titans begin to approach and some panic espEren until they approach and marko gives the order to shoot the first phase of the plan is carried out successfully then the group of seven people who must kill the titans skip most attacking them successfully except it is done and since they fail the titans are about to kill them when they are saved by mikasa and Mikasa thanks Mikasa because he saved her As with my thanks to me the mission is carried out successfully and everyone begins to resupply gas sasha continues to cry blaming himself for surrendering to a titan with and tells him to hurry up and then think they will agree in a proper punishment who speaks with a frame telling him that he is not made to be a frame leader at the end, he tells Jean that he is not very strong and that this causes him to understand the weaker, thanking him for his decision telling him that thanks to him who is alive they all start towards the walls Armin tells Mikasa that they should hurry but Mikasa tells Armin that he is being eaten she tells him that they must discover the truth about the titan adding that it could be the key to free humanity rainer agrees with Mikasa and they decide to save that titan Jean tells rainer that he is crazy and that they must escape from the place immediately annie tells Jean that that titan could be his ally and Jean is impressed at that moment the eccentric titan who murdered thomas wagner starts to move towards the place the infamous abnormal titan runs assassinating that titan biting him from the neck and throwing it on the others he titans after defeating the titans that were eating him screams with strength falling to the ground defeated Jean tells everyone to go ahead and to leave that titan all are watching him mikasa notes that Eren leaves the interior of the titan and runs to look for him she hugs him and begins to feel the beat of his heart to know if he was alive as this turned out to be true Mikasa and now happy for the situation so moving then in another scene appear in a tower Mikasa keeps hugging him and Armin is impressed that has again the parts of the body that the titan ate when he realized that it was true takes the hand of Eren wondering if everything was true, later Eren wakes up saying I will kill them all and the stationary troops around him what they observe with fear believing that he was going to kill the soldiers they believe that Eren is a titan who is disguised after connie appears explaining what happened to Ymir and Crystal, Ymir asks him about Mikasa believing that everyone had died but Connie tells him who thought that Mikasa was with Jean o'neill rainer and bertolt, then ymir asks Jean about what happened and he replies that they had been given orders to keep it secret then appears on the top of the wall the Danish captain talking to a subordinate about how quiet the mission is his subordinate asks about Mikasa are surrounded, will open fire on them if they do not answer everything they ask, the captain asks what was supposed to Eren them then Eren responds that he does not know what The angry captain tells him that everyone had seen him emerge from the titan, Rico tells the captain that he doubts that they are able to obtain useful information from them and that it was a waste of troops and time the soldiers ask the captain to finish with the three but Mikasa interposes arguing that his specialty is cutting meat and a soldier tells the captain that this is Mikasa ackermann and that it would be a loss Armin tells Mikasa that please do not fight since they could not flee inside the walls, Armin insists that they have to talk to everyone so they understand the situation, Eren does not understand the situation and tries to remember what happened but only manages to remember the moment he is swallowed by the titan believing it was a dream, Eren realizes that his left arm was regenerated like a titan's is that he really died he does not understand anything the captain asks Eren that if this one is really a human or a titan Eren responds that he is really a human. The superior does not believe him and gives the signal to fire the cannons Mikasa takes Eren and Armin to climb to the top of the walls while they run Eren sees the key from which his father spoke to him and remembers that grisha had told him that he had to go back to the maria wall and go to the basement to discover what it was all about then Eren escapes from Mikasa's arms and grabs them both to transform into the upper body of a titan defending the attack of the bullets of cannon, Rainer uses his three-dimensional maneuver equipment and climbs to the ceiling along with Annie and Bertholt, see Eren in his detitan form by the smoke no one can see what's inside the skeleton Armin is alarmed and looks everywhere to see where are the captain observes the skeleton and everyone is alarmed to see such a monster reports the danger telling the soldiers to reload the Eren truck inside the awakened Titan leaves the Armin and Mikasa, Armin is scared because he heard the noise of the cannon and besides that he is inside a skeleton Mikasa tells him that Eren protected them Armin and Mikasa ask Eren what happens and this one He replies that he does not know but the only thing he can say is that the skeleton will evaporate Eren realizes that the soldiers can not see his movements for now thanks to the smoke and he starts talking to Armin and my house Eren remembers that in the basement from his old house is the answer of the reason why he is titan Eren gets angry because his father kept that information secret Mikasa tells Eren to calm down since it is not time those things when there are more important matters the captain wilman orders that when the smoke is dispersed they will attack again but a part of the skeleton can be raised A large amount of land again the view looks cloudy Eren tells the two of them that it will cross the wall and will go Emin responds that he only did it because he wanted to protect him but he does not know exactly how to do it. Eren looks agitated and starts to bleed through his nose. Armin realizes that his breathing is tense and is pale Eren tells him that he has two ideas if they do not try to cover him will not kill them Eren tells them that he will do everything only Mikasa offers to be with him but he refuses saying that he is not his brother and less his son Eren mentions that he had really two ideas then he tells Armin to confide to this plan he is surprised but it was in continuous he says he can convince them that he is not a threat he will believe in them and will not leave the place he gives seconds to decide Armin realizes that the only one who did not have confidence in himself Kaneki was arriva and when seeing Eren not knowing of his powers was identified and low, when they went down they were scared they fired again, Kaneki goes against the cannon ball being injured from several parts but Mikasa regenerated, surprised of that while kaneki puts the kagune in the neck to the captain and with a cold look ledice dare to give the signal of return and I will kill you, the captain da denuevo the signal , another bullet falls, Kaneki is going to protect and receives the impact, falls to the wounded dream, suddenly appears two pixies, the captain, im Press and pixies tells you that if you do not know when your life and the lives of your men are in danger you just need to look at those eyes and you will realize that he does not lie and went through things that neither you nor I would endure pixies look at Kaneki , Doc pixies commander in chief of the defense of the southern territories including others a man in charge completely on the key area in the defense of humanity Eren tells him about the basement pixies tells him that he will have it in mind then the latter asks him kaneki, what is it? a human with titan powers? Kaneki responds I'm a ghoul, I can only eat human flesh to satisfy it has superhuman strength and speed and also has these things called kagune, Mikasa says but before you were eating a titan, yes, from what I see that satisfies me and already has the same taste that human flesh, pixies says then I can consider you an ally of humanity, Kaneki smiles. let's leave here the second part of this theory, what will happen in the next part? write it in the comments

Hello today I bring you the third part of what would have happened if Kaneki was sent to the universe of Shingeki no kyojin. I hope you like it let's start pixies says then I can consider you ally of humanity Kaneki and smiles and says that everything will be done to save mankind so pixies asks him if what Armin said was true what he said about him in that he could help recover the territories of humanity or he just said it because he was desperate to save his life Armin responds by telling him that it was both he was trying to say that Eren could take that giant stone and take it to the door pixies asks Eren if he can close the hole Eren replies that he does not understand about his powers and that it would be irresponsible on his part to respond as if he could do it pixies says he asked the wrong question then asks if he wants to do it Eren does not answer if he wants to do it even if he is not sure that he will succeed as there are many titans in that place Kaneki and interrupts him and says do not worry that he will take care of all s titans that are in the way, pixies smiles after hearing the response from him and Kaneki and says that they are real men later a meeting of staff is called to make a plan, pixies approaches the edge of the wall and screams for everyone pay attention to them pixies presents to Eren and Kaneki and saying that they were a military experiment to turn humans into titans and that they are under control they all think that it is a lie saying that they will not sacrifice themselves for something they do not understand pixies returns to scream returning to have the attention of everything and introduces them to Kaneki and saying that he is an improved human since he has more strength speed and agility than normal humans besides one that is still having the same efficiency as our swords soldiers begin to say it's a lie pixies look at Kaneki and nod with Kaneki's head and show his flesh to all the soldiers after the soldiers accepted while walking ixies tells Eren and Kaneki and about a certain legend in which humans stop fighting each other in when a common enemy appears when pixies asks Eren about what he thinks about the legend were he replies that he never heard of this legend and think that the legend sounds naive Kaneki and interrupts him and tells him that where it comes from there are many wars between humans every time a war happens thousands and thousands of people die as many civilians as soldiers this leaves all people talking pixies orders and he gives Kaneki to protect Eren while he does his rich work he tells him posters and this human weapon will work. I will try to win it but rich accuses him that he is also safe about the plan. Pixies asks the three if they like to lose before the titans answer that they do not want to lose to them he says that he also does not want to lose them and wants to beat all Kaneki and interrupts him and tells him that they will only have to stay close to Eren because of the doubts that I miss a titan that I doubt very much but better prevent than cure with the operation in progress r in my house and a small group of soldiers get into position go to the shortest route and do not find titans in their way rich says Eren that soldiers are not pawns of humanity because they all have family names and feelings she tells Eren that she has the responsibility that her death will make sense and advises Eren never to forget that when he gets to the giant rock in he transforms and he attacks my house that was next to Kaneki and that Kaneki stops him with his flesh cutting off his wrist and damaging his face with a cut of sukabumi and tells everyone to try to make Eren react while he takes care of the titans they approach after Kaneki will kill dozens of titans he hears a few blows when he looks behind him he sees Eren taking the rock to the door but there were titans in front of him and they are decided to distract them but they all see how the titans fell dead with a gash in the nape Kaneki and continues to kill all the titans that stand in their way reach the hole Eren while he is encouraged by Armin falls the stone successfully blocking the entry of pieces with tears in his eyes Enchanted rich says that the soldiers did not die in vain and shoots a yellow flare as a message that the mission has been fulfilled when seeing this the pixies immediately orders to send reinforcements and respect the elite team with chew is near rich comments that They have to climb to the wall as soon as possible but my house rushes to fall into that is still partially attached to the body of the rich titan quickly decides that they have to cut it and she does the work however at that time two titans reach them and when they are about to attack they are killed one by Kaneki and another by a mysterious soldier they were the wings of the dragonErtad in the soldier's back his savior turns out to make him stand on the top of the murdered titan I saw him look Eren and the others and asks about the situation then Kaneki and grabs Eren and says we go up running down the walls on arrival where is pixies this congratulates him and tells him that if they want me they could not have done this kaneki and tells him to let him rest that he will finish with all the titans that were against the murro trying to grab the soldiers since he took care of all the others who were scattered around the city to hear this I saw him says that if he only took care of all those titans Kaneki and he replies saying that if he took care of the vitals that were scattered pixies he tells him not to worry about him to them to take care of the other titans after that both the stationary troops and the Survey corpssiguen eliminating the titans trapped inside others thanks to the guns and the Survey corps of the area of bulls is free of titans after all a day of fighting not only that but two titans are also captured alive yet while humanity finally manages to win against the titans the price paid in return is low as soldiers died and injured since kan x took care of almost all the titans and killing a total of titans in a whole day then the stew falls without energy and that for days he did not sleep in an unknown place was suddenly wakes up and sees the boss Erwin and Captain Levi of the Survey corps after telling Eren that he is in an underground cell while in the custody of the military police were note that Erwin carries with him the key to the basement of his old house indicating that he turns around after him Erwin tries to confirm if the basement keeps the secrets of titans to which to answer what his father said without him. Levi states that it is convenient for Eren to have amnesia while after his father has disappeared but eros and insists that he has no reason to lie then they ask Eren about what he wants to do and after remembering past he states that he wants to join the Survey corps to kill all the titans as possible this catches Levi's interest as he walks forward and says he will take care of him not because he trusts him but because he can kill them they betray him then he tells Eren that he will accept his request to the Survey corps after they go to another alleged prison That and they ask Kaneki some questions that Kaneki asks where is Erwin telling him that he is in a Kaneki cell and seeing the chain tells him to release him Erwin tells him that he can not do that after hearing this Kaneki and decides to break the chains surprising Levi and Erwin Kaneki and approaching the bars and bending them to leave Erwin asks him what he is going to do in him and he responds that he will kill all the titans of and save the humanity and softly says and I will try to return to Tokyo so that no one will hear Erwin tells him if you join the troops to the freedom ones we take care of recovering the human territory and exterminate the Kaneki titans and says no, the humans are not my species, Kaneki comes out of his prison, Levi reacts and goes for his sword, Kaneki takes all his speed and escapes from his prison, sub-lean, Levi pursues him, but by the speed of kaneki he loses it. Kaneki leaves the prison and flees to the forest, where she cries, cries thinking that she is not at home and thinking, how do I end up here? , I will never see my loved ones again Kaneki decides to use his curse to at least do good to someone and eat the titans of this world, they treat Aren as in the Original story, they take it to jucio, the survey corps wins The custody of Eren, they make tests and decide to use it to go to shinganchina and return. They leave in the expedition 57 outside the walls, On the road appears the female titan, The female titan shouts attracting titans, But as in those 2 months several titans have been killed by kaneki few arrived, Kaneki who slept in a tree hears a scream and see that the titans run and decide to follow them. the titans arrive where the Survers corps, when he was going to eat it, kaneki jumps and with his kagune he breaks the column to the titan and begins to drink his spinal fluid, since that was the only thing of the titans that when he ate it did not go away afterwards in your stomach. As in the Original story, the female titan would arrive at Eren but fall into a trap, but before the few titans approach, Levi and Mike kill the Titans, followed by Levi asking Eren to transform into Titan and The head of the female titan is pulled out, thanks to that, Annie is removed from her titan, Eren is surprised and sad to see that Annie was the female titan. Reiner and berthold have a hunch, the survey corps turns the walls, with Annie a prisoner, Reiner says, something is wrong why we saw so few you tanes? Why do we come back like this all of a sudden? I believe that they captured Annie, Kaneki in the distance sees the survers corps move away from the forest of the giant trees, when appears the titan Armored and goes to the main float, kaneki decides to go to help. The titan armored arrives where Annie's float is and destroys it, sees Annie and takes it, Eren sees the titan armored transforms and confronts him, Reiner puts Annie in his mouth, and gives him a blow that sends to fly to Eren. The Levi squad faces Reiner, but Gounter dies when he proves that his neck can not be cut, Kaneki arrives there and since the power of the titans contains a lot of RC, he generates a kakuja for the first time, with the kakuja he throws Reiner and he does it to fall, for Reiner to fight against Kaneki kakuja was like fighting an annoying rabid dog, kaneki with his kakuja did not destroy Reiner's armor, but it was torn from his face, leaving several vulnerable spots, Eren titan gets up and goes to Kaneki vs. Reiner, Eren goes help and hits Reiner without armor, pushing back. Reiner grabs the head of Kaneki's kakuja with his fist and squeezes it and hurls it at Eren. It falls in the eyes leaving Eren blind for a moment, Reiner takes advantage, grabs Eren's foot and throws him to the floor. When it is about to start Eren, Levi arrives and until here this part what will happen in the next? Write in the coments

Hi folks, here part 3 of what would have happened if kaneki came to attack on titan, thanks to these subjects
. Levi drives himself to Reiner's neck, realizing that he can't cut his neck, there they see a
apparently dead centipede-like creature, Eren then realizes that he can fight Reiner using the techniques Annie taught him. Bertoldo who was at the top of the tree, jumps exploding, Reiner grabs Eren and Kaneki just because he thinks that thing will be useful. as in the original story, they rescue Eren after he opportunely activated the coordinate, but they didn't rescue Kaneki. Reiner and Bertoldo leave. there on the walls give their report of who were the female titans and armor. soon there is an attack by the beast titan, and as the original story dies Mike and his squad, only on this particular occasion it did not happen that ymir and cristal would stay in a castle since Levi, eren and the others were in other areas, coming to bump into the beast titan, with whom they had a mini showdown where Levi wins and the beast titan flees. Reiner, Bertoldo, Annie taking Kaneki arrive at the coast watching the boats and learning that Zeke is on the island. Annie stays to watch over Kaneki, while the other 2 go to see Zeke on the wall, meeting up to date. On the walls they try to kidnap Eren and Crista, but Ymir prevents him by showing his titan power and surprising everyone. Given that I have no more to ymir to tell his story, all disappointed in ymir, especially crystal, although seeing the case of Eren more or less understood, compassionate Crista reveals her real name and is the daughter of the king of the walls. The second attempt to kidnap Eren and Crista occurs, this time by the hands of Kenny Ackerman who puts a hand in the mouth to ymir drift and manages to kidnap them, the coup d'etat of the original story occurs, Rod tries to make his daughter eat Eren, remembering her daughter the story of ymir and her selfish ancestor refuses, Levi and Eren's friends had gotten into the cave, andmir becomes a titan reaching the Reiss raven and leaving her titan asks not become a titan, telling him that he will only live 13 years if he does, another truth that ymir kept. Rod then injects himself into a mega colossal titan, ymir saves everyone, then ymir kills Rod. He names Rod's daughter as queen of the walls and it was time to go to recover shinganchina, when the battle takes place essentially the same battle that in shinganchina, Only that ymir was on Erwin's side, so they did not sacrifice to surver corps, only ymir became, pretended that he was going for the beast and while the beast massacred it, Leví rips it off and pieck saves it, the death of moblit happens as in the original story, Beat the colossal titan. Zeke to be outnumbered since surver corps follows only rescues Reiner and returns. To Annie's disappointment. The members took Kaneki every time he was regenerated, they returned by boat to Marley as a ticket to Kaneki, the creature that had a black eye, and experimented with Kaneki, as the ccg did in the original story, and in 5 years created the quinz using eldianos warriors like pokko galiard, beings to fight titans, and Kaneki kept it as a source of all that. So when Eren attacked Marley exploding in front of Reiner, he killed William Tiber the king of Marley, his sister drifts Eren, Mikasa appears attacking the Titan Warhammer, the Warhammer rises, on the other side they leave Zeke, Annie and Pieck. who defend themselves from surver corps. Going out pokko to face surver corps. Levi acknowledges that these skills are the same as those of the centipede, Armin exploits the ships that came from reinforcement Liberio, seeing that explosion, pokko goes for Eren, being the fight between pokko and Eren not so even for the instability of pokko , but eren saw that his kagune broke the Tiber crystal, grabs pokko, but pokko lets go by breaking his hardened hand. Pokko runs away. They see the Zeppelin arrive, but Eren has not eaten the Titan Warhammer, while they cannot approach the Titan Beast, Ymir jumps from the Zeppelin, becoming the Titan faces the female Titan who recognizing her is shocked remembering Marcel's death, thus Levi manages to kidnap Zeke. and they almost killed Pieck, if not because a boy named Falco got in the middle, they go up to the Zeppelin. Gabi, Reiner's cousin and Falco sneak into the Zeppelin, When Ymir was going to climb Pokko devours her by attacking him on the neck, avenge the death of his brother, so they left ymir, angering the queen for that, There it is dictated that when the pregnancy of the queen ends her for being royal blood will eat Zeke, while Eren is taken prisoner for having committed what he did, but they were with a group called "jeaguersistas" escapes and goes to look for his brother who I was taken care of by Levi, Zeke using infected wine turns his guards into titans and after dying and reviving escapes, Eren goes to shinganchina where he tells Mikasa that he hates her, and goes to see how prisoner Gabriela Braun is, when she goes to use it as a currency, pieck that had long infiltrated the walls since Eren attacked Liberio points to Eren with a gun, Eren becomes weak until he reaches the top, where the jaw titan appears, this time cold grice and tries to eat Eren, but because of his lack of experience he does not succeed, Eren becomes a titan and confronts Marley's forces, losing since he does not have the Titan Warhammer, Zeke arrives shinganchina and with projectiles helps Eren, Zeke he shouts turning all those who had drunk intoxicated wine brought by Yelena and the other anti-Milleyan volunteers years ago in Titans, Pieck drifts to Zeke, Eren hardens and leaves his titan to touch his brother, but c When Gabriela almost flies her head, Eren's head falls on Zeke and the coordinate is activated, they enter the invisible roads where they see the origin of the Titans, Karl Fritz's curse is broken, Zeke learns that his father he always wanted it and that they were manipulating his father to do what he does, Eren activates the rumbling of the earth, the marleyana forces withdraw, Reiner covers Gabi from the rubble, Annie takes Reiner and gabi and they retreat to the zeppelin , leaving Pieck and Lieutenant Teo Magath, Pieck and Magath walked to meet Hange Zoe and Levi who was still alive, Note, Falco did become a Titan and his brother Colt was allowed to eat for him, but Connie did not take him , but I take it pokko up, to the zeppelin. And so far this part, what will happen in the next? Write it in the comments, at the moment there is no more manga to adapt. Goodbye

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