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Transformers on attack on Titan

have asked and good. yes I will. I haven't read the Transformers comics so I'm going to build on the mythology of the Michael fail movies. It all starts 2000 years ago when knights fled cybetron to earth. There they meet a girl named ymir Fritz who was the only one who knew of her existence. It happened that Marley invaded the small nation of Eldia. ymir asked for help and the knights found a cane with his DNA to control them in dragon mode. In this way, ymir frees Eldia from the Marleyan yoke and earns her the nickname of a witch. As is customary in this franchise, a flashback that literally tells you, “Hey, do you remember that famous event that you surely learned about in world history classes? What do you think It was thanks to the Transformers.

later the knights do experiments and manage to replicate their ability to manipulate their mass in humans. The bad thing is that it had side effects. The 9 who created what they called changing titans only lived 13 years. So they believed that Eldia would be fine this way and they went to winter under the water along with the scepter. In those 1900 years, the Eldia empire spread throughout the world, colonizing an entire continent. But one day a group of Marleyans who were chopping on ice found Megatron's corpse and the ultimate spark. The coordinate of the spark is stubborn in the lens of one of those who investigated. with that discovery they create powerful weapons. The first Marleyan industrial revolution occurred. With these weapons they defeat Eldia. The Tibur family surrenders and betrays Eldia. King Karl Fritz is not trapped and flees to Paradis Island with his tribe and other Eldians. 100 years of walls pass. Bumbolbee falls to the ground. He arrives at the walls where after a little analysis he takes the shape of a caravan and moves around the walls. While mobilizing. The colossal titan appears on the other side of the wall and destroys the wall. Transformers The transformer radio arrives at Marley where it begins to read files. They are sent through radio networks to other deceptics. Willy Tiber was doing the typical things that kings do. until he goes out with his sister and they take a float to go out. But oh surprise. The carrosa is a decepticon who kidnaps them and then takes them out in a dumped place asking where the coordinate is. Referring to the one that is stored in the Marleyan's glasses when he found megatron. But William misinterprets it thinking that it was the founding titan. So he tells her that he is on Paradis Island. Thanks worm says the decepticon sending that information to his companions and then says ^ you are no longer useful to me ^ and he was going to kill him, but William's sister uses the Warhammer to create a column that goes through the transformer. I'm not sure if the Warhammer's hardening is bad stronger than Transformers' metal, but at least I should push it. This is how the war hammer faces the decentico. In the end the decentico already had the information he wanted. The aurobots filter the information of the deceptics and go to the walls. William thought that the warriors had already been sent to the ramparts. So they want the coordinate themselves. Author's note. The Tiber would be something like the widwiqians of the fifth movie of Transformers

On the walls ...... Bumbelbee did not know whether to help people or not. As he is a good person, he decides to get out of his caravan costume and face the titans as he is a robot, the titans would ignore him, but the humans would face what kind of titan is that? Then would come the Titan Armor to destroy the wall. Bumbelbee shoots the Armor. Damaging his armor a little. Reiner sees bumbulbee being out of place. Bumbelbee faces them as he knows how to do it. To blows, bullets. Reiner could do nothing. Bumbelbee finds it strange that only this one takes his attention. Reiner gets out of his titan and runs. Bumbelbee can't see that. And believed he killed the Armor. Reiner runs through the crowd and crosses the wall. Annie and Beto who were up on the wall did not understand what just happened. Then bumbelbee leaves.

 let's start, the first contact was when the dinosaurs were extinguished. In prehistory, a group of primes went to earth, they had the habit of destroying suns to have energy, but their rule was not to destroy suns whose solar system has life, and since planet earth had no life, they did not destroy it, but fail you refused to that, and the cousins ​​sacrificed him to stop him, losing the matrix. Also at one point, a transformer ship crashed on the moon where Centinel Prime was traveling with teleportation pillars. the pillars are held by deceptics to bring cybertron to the moon and use humans as slaves. They would not destroy the Maria wall at that time, Eren promises that he would kill the Titans, while
As such, Grisha would steal the power from the Reiss and give it to her son, meanwhile, Decepticons who have reached the walls infiltrate as objects in the Shina wall, collecting information manually and through eavesdropping, concluding that they have taken the coordinate. So they began to destroy everything, on the walls after their fury, believing that the autobots have overcome them. They unknowingly destroy the shina wall, from which the colossal titans emerge, people fled, the central military police tried to harm them, but their swords had no effect, when the colossals walk. the decepticons are left without knowing what to do, the colossal grabs the decepticon who at gunpoint makes him release him, and so when he sees all those titans they have no idea what to do so they just fly away. The titans were destroying everything with his walk, bumbelbee sees in the sky the decepticons fly, and bulbelbee decides to help people, since the colossal ones would not do anything to him for being metal, Bumbulbee shoots in the neck being that at that time he read that the weak point of a titan is the back of his neck, so he shot inside his mouth, I take time and between those bumbelbee he hits himself and loses his memory, followed by that, all the power of the monarchy would have been lost, in addition to discovering his secret that the walls were made of titans, and the religious died. Lost bumbelbee is found by the scouting corps, who at first thought it was a strange vehicle, but after seeing that it is alive they experimented with it, seeing what happened, The warriors would return to Marley to tell him that the smallest wall was broken , without control and something saved him. Of course, they would be punished for what happened to Marcel. The deceptics returning from the walls would have infiltrated Marley,

 and coming to data on where megatron was, but nothing of the supreme spark, so the decepticons make an attack on the base of Marley that was holding megatron, where by chance also was the supreme spark. megatron released. the objective is to use the supreme spark to know the location of the matrix that will activate the machine that converts suns into energy, so once megatron is free and with the spark on his side they call the fallen one, who upon arrival uses the cube to know the coordinate of the machine and the matrix .But because they were not worthy, the matrix became dislodged and would turn to dust, frustrated by that event. After the attack on the Tiber they took measures to hunt any of those Transformers creatures, tracking the activity that I just told you on the border with the middle east. Knowing that the founder was robbed, they paid more attention to fighting them than taking the island, a matter of priority, sending the warriors to the border, where he encounters megatron, starscreen, the fallen and the satellite transformer, who are facing the warriors and obviously they defeat him but they don't kill them but they leave, the decepticons then think of another plan,

They go to the nation of Marley in a good way to the capital, promising to help them advance technologically and forget that they had kidnapped their leader for a long time if they manufactured a spaceship in return, which the Marleys reluctantly agreed, thus creating the space program, The goal was for the deceptics to create a ship with which they reached the moon, awaken sentinel prime with the spark and activate the pillars to transport cybertron to earth. While on the ramparts with the monarchist rule over they had something of a rebirth, they treated bumbelbee better, bee failed optimos and other autobots, they told their story and after helping the ramparts exterminating the titans they go to Marley where they are ambushed. Cybertron would reach earth, Quintesa would trace the scepter, reaching deep into the earth, using the titan powers as a catalyst, ending life on earth and beginning the new golden age of cybertron, end

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