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Reverse Flash in Attack on titan

the reverse flash had been planning the entire time. Go to the future when Barry went and revived his mother with the time machine but then Barry comes and hits the machine making it vibrate, the flash and reverse flash fight and vibrate so much that the reverse flash reaches another land, the land of attack on titan and the reverse flash sees a giant the reverse flash dodges it and runs until he reaches some walls, in the walls he sees people evacuating and wonders why? then eoward sees the battleship titan destroy the wall and Eoward goes running until he reached the machine that had led him to attack on titan and he placed his machine on top of a wall and went inside the pink wall to look for pieces that would serve to repair it, but then he stayed and spying, discovered that this society is even more delayed than the society from which he has just fled, then infiltrates and begins to see secret archives of primitive technology. Thawn then goes further north of the walls seeing that it is very cold and assumes that this is not half the world but a pole so seeing or running the other way leaves the walls, crosses the ocean and reaches the country of Marley where knocked out a guy and goes to the nearest officer to ask for directions, are you new or something? says the officer, then the guy is taken to torture to confess and find out the whole truth. from this planet it does not have the technology to return and it will take me to do it with this technology so it took a few days to explore this world and there it convinced the king of Marley to advance technologically. Thawne showed his machine, super powers to convince him if they understand me right? and there he spent a few years and twane technologically advanced Marley and finished building his time machine so Eobard travels to his land in time to his future and left and so the story happens almost the same way to the part where Eren comes and sees the ocean so military ships would come. Eren becomes a titan, but new forces from Marley. they destroy the titan attack and thus with the new technologies made by thawe and their studies of the human Meta they had 8 of the 9 titan powers, later they invade the island and win. It is probable that they try to replicate the titan powers now that they have such knowledge, what do you think? Write it in the comments. Goodbye

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