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What if Eren made the Saitama training?

What if eren did saitama's training

Hi, YouTube people, YouTube people, how are you? I hope well, today we are going to do what would have happened if Eren and Saitama's training so. We are tired of failing in the tests, he did something .100 squats, 100 sit-ups, 100 push-ups, 10 kilometers every day, Although it was difficult to eat three times a day, at first I wanted to die. but he wanted to be the strongest to kill all the titans, he did squats even when he could not move his legs, even when his arms made strange noises towards push-ups for three years, following the logic of one puch man, Eren went bald. . on the first day of the recruits, during the cleaning of the wall the titan colossal appears and almost kills bertold there pass
two months . Mankind's first victory was to kill the colossal Titan. The Surver Corps arrived at Shinganchina, Eren stops to see his basement lift the rock all are very surprised at the strength of Eren. the key does not open so the
break because he disobeys a soldier order? says Levi, Eren searches quickly without finding anything gets angry and destroys everything
around him and destroying things he sees his father's diaries. he takes them and returns. They eliminate a few titans that have appeared on the walls. upon returning they see the two doors were destroyed and they hear the news that the colossal titan and the armored titan destroyed the maria wall, the surver corps just come from their mission have to help in the evacuation but Eren wants to try
his strength and again sees that he is capable of destroying the titans or of making his head explode by just hitting him. Is
very strong and thinks that he did the same with the colossal one and he asks himself how he survived? and think your weak point
its weak point is found in the nape of the neck, probably two meters deep ... probably if that point was not damaged, by resolution it could have regenerated from the nape of the neck as they fly in pieces but do not explode by
full in pieces Eren says not to make the same mistake twice, if I find it again I will hit him and
then I will cut off the neck, then evacuation occurs. a week goes by and the ration of food is exhausted, many refugees obligatorily become part of the surver corps for a reconquest. That's when Eren considers it to be the
most important moment of his life. Then Eren decides that day to kill all the titans. Levi and Hange are very perplexed
surprised to see how he killed the titans by just hitting them, it took two or three days but they killed all the titans of the walls, the news reaches the people and people do not know what to think. But the rumor says that now it is possible Avoid even outside the walls so the Surver Corps did an exploration and came to the beach. surrounded by water but still little and sees that it is salty as Armin had said, says Eren. and that's how things were until one day the titan beast attacked and converted the village of ragako into titans and was walking all over the wall. . when hearing about this attack, but as we had already exterminated all the titans, Reiner, Bertoldo and Annie are made aware of what happened and they know that they have an idea of ​​what can happen, we do not waste time, the titan power that we were looking for did not appear so we kidnapped the false king and let's go and kidnapped the false king Fritz and destroyed the shina wall to distract, meanwhile the corps surver exterminate the titans created by the beast titan then Eren sees on the tip of the wall the titan beast and then Eren jump and hit the titan beast and then see that titan beast comes out
a person and here is part 8 likes for the next part I say goodbye. What will happen in the next write it in the comnetarios, bye bye
He approaches that person and asks who are you? Then Pieck appears and saves Zeke, but Eren is faster and with one blow destroys Pieck's titan. Zeke and pieck fall, Zeke asks who are you? Eren says, I'm Eren jeaguer. Jeaguer? says Zeke, Zeke does not understand, Eren observes, surprising, humans that can become titans. The survey corps takes you to the capital. where they see that the capital was attacked by the amored titan and a female titan. Could it be that the colossal and amored titan are also human? They put Zeke and pieck in a prison and ask them to tell everything. Zeke did not find any sense in continuing to hide the truth and said, I am Zeke jeaguer. We came from Marley. 2000 years ago, there was a girl named Ymir Fritz, who made a pact with the devil of the land, obtaining the 9 titans. which passed to their children, from their children are born the 9 tribes that made up the empire of Eldia, expanded throughout the world, until they came across the nation of Marley. with which they lost, King Carl Fritz surrendered, went with his tribe to this island and erased the memory of its inhabitants. 5 years ago we sent 4 warriors to recover the power of the founding titan. But they did not come back, that's why they sent us. Eren threatens Zeke with his fist, who? what is your name? Reiner Braun, Bertoldo Huber. Annie Leonard, Marcel Galiard. LIE, LIE says Eren, they are in the military police rrrrr ... there he realizes that they do not appear since the attack. Reiner, Bertoldo and Annie take the fake King to the Marleyan ship and find out that Zeke and pieck were and should return, they stay to wait, but they do not return. They torture the false king to extract some information, but nothing, does not have the founder titan. Seeing that Zeke did not return, Zeke and Pieck were imprisoned in an underground prison, to prevent them from transforming. The amored titan reaches the eastern gates and destroys them. In the capital that was being reconstructed, they investigate of a certain "Marcel Galiard, but they have no news" there are no signs that someone with that name lived on the walls. The news arrives that the Amored destroyed the wall. While evacuating, Eren goes full speed to where the amored is and punches him destroying him. Eren then sees that from the amored Reiner comes out, realizing that it is true, Eren cries his traction and calls them TRAITORS with his speed exterminate all the titans he could in a short time, finds Reiner, Bertoldo and Annie and brings them to it prison where Zeke and Pieck are, there they are forced to confess. Where is Marcel? A titan ate it, why did not they come back? for shame. Zeke asks Eren how did you get that power? Eren responds with 100 sit-ups, 100 squats and 100 push-ups every day for 3 years. Do not make fun of me, replies Zeke. the news that they caught 6 infiltrated titans reaches the nobility. While members of the garrison and military police, including Crista and Ymir, were helping in the evacuation. When Crista is kidnapped by mercenaries, Ymir pursues the car, but seeing that it is very fast, takes advantage of the chaos to become a titan and save Crista. Kenny ackerman who was close to see that a titan? where did it come from? no, the guide became a titan. Kenny goes to Rod Reiss to tell him that he saw a human who became a titan with pointed ears and big fangs, Rod thinks that it is the attacking titan that stole the founder titan 5 years ago and orders him to capture it too, the original plan of Rod was giving the power of any of the warriors from Marley to Crista, but since they now have the founder Titan back it will not be necessary. Using tranquilizer darts and lightning spears kidnap Ymir and Crista, this would be an isolated event, nobody would find out or at least not the survey corps. Rod tells his daughter all Historia. Chaining Ymir Historia was angry with ymir for not showing her power or telling the truth of the world before. Father and daughter touch Ymir's naked back for Rod to tell him how Frieda died, but ymir only sees Marcel's memories, ymir moans and moans. There Rod realizes that ymir does not have the founder titan. Ymir was complaining he was going to say that she is not that. Rod could not miss the chance to have 1 titan power in his family and activate the false coordinate. He tells his daughter to inject herself. Kenny interrupts asking for a titans duel. He takes the covers off Ymir and Ymir screams that she is not that. she says "I was an idol in a Ymir cult in Marley, the cult was discovered and all the members were transformed into titans, I ate one of the warriors that Marley sent by accident, Historia tells her father, you cheated on me. and throws the jar to the floor, breaking it, Rod jumps on the floor to lick the jar, turns into a 120-meter titan destroying the cave, Ymir turns into a titan, takes Historia, leaves the cave, Ymir kills R od reiss with its claws, its speed and its jaw. Historia wonders, then am I the queen of the walls? Will Historia become the queen?

Hello people, welcome to the third and last part of what would have happened if Eren to the Saitama training, let's start
Historia did not want to be queen. But Ymir saw the potential and convinced her by saying that it could improve the life of the walls. Historia went to the capital and with the threat of ymir is proclaimed queen, Although that plan collides with the coup of Erwin. Eren uses his fist to beat Ymir and locks her in with the others. Historia says NO and tells them Ymir's Historia. In the end they come to good terms. They decide to use the power of Eren and exterminate all the titans of the island. He seizes Marley's ship. They build ports and although the warriors tried to escape it did not work. Eren asks about the other 2 titans, where are you dad? Eren talked to zeke and he told him about his childhood. As they are considered as monsters by the rest of the world. Seeing the strength of Eren says "maybe we are" Eren makes a trip to Marley and attacks the capital. The war hammer appears. Eren defeats him with a punch. He takes it to Marley and makes a negotiation Erwin and Miss Tiber. In the name of the walls and eldia at the end. Because of Eren's strength. Marley returns with his 7 titans with the promise not to attack the island and give a better deal to the Eldians. It would be a few years and a day Eren just begins to evaporate. There Eren realizes that the tube the 2 Titan powers all the time. Eren's death remains a secret to prevent Marley from changing his rules, even so. The walls had negotiated with other countries so they are no longer defenseless as before. FINISH

What did you think of this ending? How would you have finished it? write it in the comments

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