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What If Eren Loved Kefla

I'm scrubbed, YouTube has scrubbed me, YouTube has scrubbed my life. YouTube denied me what I wanted the most, YouTube refuses to monetize my videos, my precious monetization. YouTube has taken away my time, my reason for living, My Kullki, All because I am a minor, and I, Libremoviecomic, only care about Kullki, only Kullki, that's why I have been 3 years without even charging, I only care about Kullki But you know, extreme problems require extreme measures, it is not a question of responsibilities, but of decisions, how do you put this thing? 

It all starts in the tournament of power, Kefla was facing ultra instinct Goku. The clash between the legendary supersayajin 2 and the ultra instinct generates such a big explosion. jiren decides to do something and does a technique that opens a portal to a world. That portal not only absorbs all the energy that could destroy the platform, it also absorbs kefla. Kefla for so much energy that she received and the space-time disturbance of the portal remains as the only person. In the world of shingeki no kyojin, a portal opens in the sky and a lot of Energy comes out. Eren titan was killing Titans, when he saw the energy, The portal was far away in space. far enough for some energy to get there without destroying the planet, although it damages several houses, the walls, many people die. Eren awakens and is glued to a piece of titan, All Trost destroyed. Then, among the rubble he finds a fainted girl, Era kefla. Eren observes, there are no houses, titans, not even the walls. How did I survive that? Eren wonders. Eren takes the girl who was passed out. So Reiner, Bertoldo and Annie leave the rubble and they say what happened? Bertoldo says, don't look at me, I didn't do anything, hey, is that Eren? Hadn't he died? Eren looks at it and says, Good that you guys are fine, Help me move this girl so yes, They are vulnerable and humanity has to advance to the next wall. The Survery Corps came to the ruins of trost to see that they are now forced to advance to the next wall. What could have done this? Erwin says. It was time to evacuate. Kefla flies away. Eren is surprised that he can fly, Eren leaves the hospital and runs after her. What were you? Kefla does not respond to Eren. But Eren still follows her. Until he catches up with her in the woods. Kefla stares at everything. And it says Where are we? Eren what? Kefla says to her, I am kefla, I am a sayajin, where are we? What planet is this Eren asks a sayajin? What is a planet? Kefla covers her forehead with her hand in disappointment. He transforms into a legendary supersayajin and climbs up, but when the atmosphere passes he realizes that he cannot breathe in space. So she goes down into space half dizzy and says, I can't seem to go back like this just. Kefla sits down and says, Well, tell me it's from this planet and I'll tell you about myself. Eren tells him of the walls, the titans and what We know what Eren Knows. Kefla was intrigued by that Story and she tells him that the Sayajin are a race that lives on a planet beyond space. They are very strong and can do things like this, showing her their power and the legendary supersayajin 1. Eren is surprised, then tells her that she was in an inter-universe tournament, but doesn't know how it ended here. then a bunch of Titans who had Entered would appear. Kefla says to Eren, don't worry boy ... well I don't remember your name, but right now I exterminate all the titans, Kefla flew and using energy exterminates the titans hitting the neck of the titans, Eren recognizes that the same energy that emanates from Kefla's hands is the one that destroyed Trost with all his people. Erwin along with the Survey Corps, passed by killing titans when they see kefla fly. Levi opens his eyes wide and says is he flying? everyone is surprised. Kefla exterminated all the Titans and saw the sea. What beautiful landscapes they have Here says Kefla. And go back to where Eren was. And Eren asks him where did you go? Kefla responds - to where I told you: Eren says to the tournament Between universes? Kefla with an angry tone tells him- to exterminate the Titans. Eren says have you exterminated them by yourself? Kefla says. Yes. By the way, your world looks very small. What do you mean, says Eren. Everything is surrounded by salty water. Saltwater? Eren asks, Eren thinks, like the one Armin was describing. And then Eren is reflecting and starts crying. Why are you crying says Kefla. Eren says all my friends and loved ones are dead. Mikasa, Armin, Hanns and the others. How did they die? Kefla asks. Eren walks away a little and says, You killed them, me? how? You made the power energy that killed them. Kefla says it can't be because she was somehow sent here. Eren believes him. There Erwin arrives with the rest of the survery Corpsal hospital because he heard that some people had survived and interview them. in that they recognize Kefla as the girl who was flying and says that he has to accompany them, but kefla refuses, grabs Eren and flies away from there. Why did you grab me and where are you taking me? Kefla says, I like you. Well, I don't know where to go. -Because I don't know this place, but you do say Kefla. Eren tells him to take him to Shinganchina, there they go, they find Eren's house. Kefla moves the rock. They go downstairs to see that the key doesn't open the basement. Kefla destroys the door with one finger. Eren enters. But I did not find to the newspapers, Kefla moves things and finds Eren her father's diaries, he reads them and they find out that there are more civilizations beyond the ocean and that Grisha had a titanic power, so Eren thinks, then I survived the explosion because, so I was glued to a titan when I woke up because, Eren cuts his finger Kefla says what are you doing? Eren sees his finger regenerate. Eren did not know that Grisha had stolen the power from the Reiss and says that you must return to the walls. After Eren decided to go to the beach, Kefla decides to follow him. Why don't we go to that beach? I want to see your titan form. That is not right, a few seconds pass brother and sayan. Are you ready Eren? Just so you can test your strength. Eren gets into a fighting stance saying he is fine. Kefla would fly off and deliver a strong blow that Eren could not dodge and knocks him to the ground. Only that you resist? Kefla tells him. Eren gets up and with all his strength tries to strike, but it was useless. That's not enough says Kefla, he becomes a legendary ssj and appears behind Eren and gives her a coup from the conjunction Eren sees her and says "she is, she is ... beautiful". Kefla continues to beat her until she is beheaded, Eren leaving too tired from the nape of his neck evaporating. So tired that he couldn't open his eyes and falls back saved by kefla. Or can't it be, Eren, are you okay? she asked. Worried. Eren says "you're too pretty. The sayan blushes too much saying "I think the blow I gave you was too much, the sayan would go away, then the moon would be present, the sayan leaves the human on the wall and she smiles, but she feels something she has never felt before, Wait, what is this? Why do I feel so strange? Could it be that I am in love? No, no, this is not. It cannot be happening. Am I in love with this human? He is unattractive and he is a man who does not give up so easily, he fights to the end even knowing that his enemy is stronger than himself. Thus kefla lies down together with sleeping Eren. in another place that seems to be a laboratory, we see a guy sitting, watching on screen Eren and Kefla asleep, on the other screen has the wall Maria, Rosa and shina. The plan is working out after all, we also know who the bearer of the titan is. You can go out and have fun Sayan from evil. The next day Eren wakes up and go both ways, something asleep remembers the explo an injury that occurred on the wall Rose, Mikasa, Armin, says Eren. Eren would move to the old city where he had been since childhood, the wall of shinganchina. Eren looks both ways -kefla where are you? I guess he's gone to his planet. Eren is sad, looking at the sky, something is coming, I could not see what it was. and she was his friend, carrying in his arms a big piece of meat and he lands. "I see that you woke up" she says. Yes, but what is that thing? It is meat of an animal that I hunt. but isn't it too big for you? not sayan have a voracious appetite, I must be well fed. Do you want some meat Kefla said, Eren did not refuse, they ate a little. kefla ate most of the meat, the human eating a small portion. That was delicious. hey kefla could you take me to the sea? Eren asks blushing. Kefla asks a curious question. Wait, you have not seen the ocean? no, and I really want to see how it really is, if my friend was right. Kefla takes Eren by the hand and they arrive, seeing the sea a second time. Eren was amazed at the great view. Armin, my best friend with my adoptive sister Mikasa, saw them die. What happened to you? They died in the explosion when you fell here. or I'm sorry for your loss, walk towards Eren, he insists. XD. smiling, thanks Kefla. Suddenly a big bang. what is that? Eren asks watching the planet turn dark, the sky moves, a red and black energy was seen more in the background, let's say kefla, he takes the human's hands and with his ki he goes to the area. In that place you see a guy with long black hair like a sayan 3, he had a straitjacket, I can't believe that guy can fly, he would say hange in the distance, Erwin couldn't get up since he lost an arm, he Captain Levi would see how in the middle of the battle almost all the soldiers were dead, the sayan would make a great shout, some would die suddenly, but someone was in the wall, damn Armin would say that he survived the explosion, while reiner, Bertoldo and Annie They'd see the guy in the straitjacket. 'What kind of monster are you? watching Armin realized something. not. Everyone take cover, energy spears coming out, Captain Levi launches himself with incredible fury shot at the strange person, at that moment an energy ball comes out approaching the captain. Captain Leví dodges it, making it explode, with the maneuvering team he turns and with the catana I try to count the cherries, but I did not succeed. The sword broke, but the captain did not surrender and with a force at the speed of a lightning, the sayan shouts louder, in another place you can hear applause. elsewhere, wherever they are, demonstrate the greatness of your sayan blood. he covered himself with the catanas and Eren and kefla would arrive seeing the place. Look kefla, Eren would say, pointing his finger at that guy jumping more and more, suddenly something was approaching them. A ki ball, she stood in front and made an x ​​with her arms, exploding the blast without doing much damage. Are you ok kefla would say eren? She answers " yes, you stay here "but ... nothing of, but it is better that you stay here. the sayan smiles and responds, she approaches the sayan. hey you would say kefla, this turns around. I am your opponent. transforming into legendary ssj2 .It's her, I'm glad. Now you FACE ME. I want to see all your power, this is how they start to hit each other, her blows shake the earth. They hit with all their strength, she hits him in the face, making the sayan of evil dizzy This one is teleporting, each one attacks the other, Come on, what's up? Are you getting tired, girl? says the sayan. He closes his mouth, but at that moment he kicks that sends him flying and she is in ssj 2. the sayan gives him a few quick blows, putting kefla in trouble, he could not dodge the attacks of the evil sayan, come on I want to see your powers says kefla, you are not capable of hurting me and it cannot be happening, but I am tired. the blood of the sayan? gave him a great kick, blood comes out and he flies out, he falls in some houses they destroy Do the zone, idiot, this is not all my power, it increases its power to only half. Kamba looks with contempt and this one looks at the sayan. In the distance even Captain Levi was impressed by the battle. Those 2 guys are not from this world. Armin saw Eren, Eren with his maneuvering team would go to his friend. Are you alive armin You too eren? they both hug. The blonde asks, do you know that woman? I'll tell you later, can you take me to where they are? but Eren. Take me now, I have enough gas to get there. Armin leads Eren onto the battlefield and was finally able to charge his attack. now he moves stupid, so he throws it and hits kamba, a great impact made it present while kefla was tired. lo, lo, she predicted with a smile and the other begins to disappear and looks at kamba, what did you think? but he looks up, he laughs, do you think you could kill me with that? teleports to her. you are and always will be trash. He hits her in the stomach over and over again making her spit blood and finally kicks her in the face, causing her to fall to the ground. Armin throw it at me, Eren said, but just do it quietly. the blonde looks like something in the sky, Eren bites his hand and turns into a titan hitting the sayan, but he suffered no harm, stupid human like that. He hits the giant on the head by decapitating the head, goes to the nape of the neck and rips Eren off the titan, getting tired and forcefully, said Kefla trying to get up, but he can't because of the pain. Eren stands up with broken bones. you damn I'm not going to allow you to hurt him said the human giving a blow. like this, but he stops his blow and bends Eren's arm making him scream in pain and in the end he hits him in the face making him spit a lot of blood. leaving it purple. this one is too wounded, almost dead, it hits him in the face again and again. thus screaming Eren more of pain. This one seemed to have no life. He grabs it by the neck with his big hand and throws it into an almost destroyed half house, kefla sees how Eren was almost dead and also sees her with a face of disgrace. Well, it is time that I rested in human peace. but suddenly a blast of ki hits kamba, causing it to fly off and fall on the wall, dammit. but it would be neither more nor less than Goku xeno, he gives a seed to kefla making his wounds heal in a second and she stands up. there is no time, take and give another. Give that seed to your boyfriend so he can heal before he dies, so Goku prepared to fight Kamba. kefla just goes to Eren, pulls him out of the rubble can you hear me? so he opens his eyes. kefla has a tear and gives him the seed, take it, will you? He puts it in his mouth and chews it up, Eren heals all his wounds in one go, what happens in the next part? you can leave what you want to see in the next part in the comments .  and so far this part What will happen in the next? Which of the 11 universes do you think is the one containing Shingeki no kyojin? Write it in the comments,

Hey guys, how are you? I hope well, here I bring you part 2 of Si Kefla fell into shingeki no kyojin and fell in love with Eren so here we go.
part of this is lived in the past, in another perspective. Flashback scene. Mikasa was going to commit suicide, when he saw a titan killing another titan, Armin arrives and grabs Mikasa by the waist. Armin and Mikasa thought that they would not live, when they see a big light, Mikasa reacts, takes Armin and throws him against a well. while all the energy destroys the houses, the people and the cities. Mikasa sees how the light burned her. Mikasa awakens, or at least her soul, Jean says Connie because we are not alive? Mikasa realizing that she is dead, but among all the souls she did not see Eren's or Armin's.
although neither to that of Ymir, Reiner, Bertoldo, Annie or crista. Ymir transformed into a titan, put crystal in her mouth and covered herself, leaving traumatic crystal. Ymir takes Cristal and takes her to the hospital. When the scouting body arrived at the trost ruins they found Armin and took him to the hospital. there in the hospital they see Eren with kefla, Erwin approaches to ask them, but kefla barely, he sees him takes Eren and leaves. Hange zoe entered the story room where Ymir was also, story breaks the silence and insults Ymir, tells Hange that Ymir is a titan with a psycho tone. Reiner, Beto and Annie who were nearby hear that. At first Hange thought that story was crazy, Ymir told them he went crazy, but it was not until Cristal broke a bottle that was winged and threw it to Ymir and Ymir bled and then regenerated that they believed him. After that event, the scouting body surrounded Ymir and asked him a series of questions, to which Ymir decided to confess his story. After reading that, Reiner, Berthol and Annie think about how to kidnap her and also if Eren will be a Titan? in those days when kefla and eren were walking on the wall, On the other wall, Mikasa saw on a television how Eren was happy with another and was very angry. Erwin understanding Ymir's condition, promises to take care of her. When out of nowhere the armored titan appeared, he took Ymir and ran away, Erwin quickly gave the scouting body the order to follow him, Armin who had just recovered, took his horse to follow him. So they followed the battleship, until they reached near shinganchina, where Erwin loses his arm, then Levi approaches the battleship, cuts off his arm and then Mike appears from behind and cuts Ymir, allowing Ymir to become a titan and jump from the battleship titan , the armored titan was going to follow them, when another aura appears in the sky, Armin recognizes that it is the same one that killed everyone in trost. Levi confronts the sayajin of evil, and the sayajin knocks him unconscious. out of nowhere kefla appears and faces the sayajin of evil. story looks and says "it's her". Armin meets Eren. Eren confronts the sayajin of evil, but he lost. Vegeto xeno appears and saves the day, he gives a hermit seed to kefla and kefla gives it to Eren for heal himself vegeto xeno and the sayajin of evil face off The sayajin of evil retreats, gegeto xeno pursues him, everyone being confused and not understanding what was happening Kefla goes down to see the state of Eren, when history sees him and she begins to tremble, she falls from the horse and trembles, your tutu tuuuuuu you are, she, hash. Eren does not understand why crystal is scared, nor because they are here. The only one who reacted was Bertoldo, who bit himself to create an explosion. explosion blows everyone but kefla who just can't see anything. Reiner reacts with the berthol explosion, takes Ymir and Eren and runs, when the steam dissipates, Kefla says where is he? Hange zoe is Then he realizes that Eren and Ymir have been kidnapped. Kefla climbs upstairs and looks at The battleship titan running, so he goes there, knocks him down, and then slaughters him by taking Reiner, Bertoldo and Annie from the battleship titan. Eren demands an explanation. in another part of the world, the subject says "well, the earth of universe 6 is already attached to the prison planet, now that the game begins, I require the dragon balls, although there is a treasure that guards the earth of universe 6 that both I want the immortality offered by the Titan powers, and control over an army. Smile. Returning to earth. Annie, Reiner and Bertoldo will be loved hand and foot so they don't transform, while Hange and Eren catch up. Hange is surprised that life exists on other planets, more than human-like. Kefla gets bored and tells them to do something. So they tell her to stay watching the warriors. After arguing for a while with Eren, the The corps of exploration arrives boldly at the walls and when they arrive at the capital to report their mission, they appear before the king and his courts, because they said that what they had to tell them was urgent, when they appear, Eren appears out of nowhere, destroying the building and you eat the false r hey fritz. while Reiner, Annie and Bertoldo are put in an underground prison, watched by kefla, who after a while gets bored and leaves,

watching Annie how This could be your chance to escape. after that impromptu coup. Erwin screams before the capital that he was screaming like crazy, imagine, a titan appeared out of nowhere, Erwin screams telling people the truth from outside the walls. kefla then comes flying and pulls Eren out of his titan hugging. Eren asks. What are you doing here? She says she was bored. Eren says who cares for Reiner, veto and Annie? so when they arrive they already ran away. Annie on Titan ran at full speed until she reached the beach, where she saw a ship arrive, the ship where Zeke was arriving, and tells her to cancel the mission and to return to Marley right now, Zeke does not understand why Annie says that will say along the way. Meanwhile, this subject subject sends another bully to earth. Zeke doesn't believe anything of what they said to the warriors, but they insist. heard from aliens
 So they subjected the warriors to psychological analysis, to see what happened to them. Saying the warriors who lost the titan jaw, they found it long ago, but it escaped them by that woman, referring to Kefla. The part that really interested the Marleys was that The Founder was unable to use his powers, so Marley went all out, ignoring the warriors' warnings. While the Survey corps reprimanded Kefla for letting the warriors go nor did she care, when they heard a voice in space, it was Fu's voice who went on to explain the situation and the rules, They are on the prison planet, a planet made up of 7 planets attached by a chain, 7 warriors of different dimensions are enclosed or if you prefer time lines, to fight among them, they must obtain the 7 dragon balls divided by each participant. to ask shen Long to free them from those chains, each fighter will have 1 sphere inside them, the fighters will be 1) Kefla. 2) cooper Golden, 3) bou Jack and minions are 4 and 5 6) kamba, 7) mazin no sotto. inside? they wonder, out of nowhere Kefla feels feels like she has a kidney stone. realizing then that they have to kill their opponents to get the dragon ball out, or break it at least. Marley was preparing everything to attack the island, when from the sky appears Golden cooler who had come to fulfill his part, but did not know where Kefla was, because it is a planet, the end, the point is that all the Marley artillery was trying of facing cooler, being destroyed by arms, and after a few days Golden cooler finds Kefla, let's remember that neither of them knows how to measure ki. and then the battle between legendary supersayajin 2 against cold demon would begin. Due to the difference in powers, cooler doesn't want to lose alone, so he does what frezzer and sends ki to the planet's scepter which causes the nucleus to be overloaded so that the earth explodes. Kefla becomes overheated and defeats cooler, intervening Fu because if the planet is destroyed the game will end and he does everything possible to stabilize the planet, trying to contain and absorb the energy of more, but in what he does that he remains weak to which Kefla takes the opportunity to take it and submit it. the guy tries to free himself and that is what draws the attention of Goku Xeno, The goku xeno turned into ssj 4 tries to confront Fu, when he was going to escape he is caught and between Kefla and Goku xeno they defeat Fu. telling him to remove the chains to return the planets to their timelines, but fu says that neither can he, that's why only the spheres could do it, Goku xeno had removed the sphere from Kamba and because of a while ago they had the Cooler's sphere, more than Kefla 3, but how would they get the Kefla sphere? Survey corps are used to doing extremely careful surgeries, so they could remove, but is Kefla very resistant? before Goku xeno leaves to deliver Fu, he offers himself, Kefla lowers his power to a minimum and goku opens his stomach a little so they can operate, so Hange zoe manages to remove the sphere of Kefla, Goku gives them the sphere that I take away to kamba and would return to deliver Fu to the kioshin of time. when Kefla is healed as expected they defeat the other opponents. They get all 7 spheres, but no one knew what to call shen Long. It was because of the emergency that Surver Corps accessed different things. but since it was all over. It only remained to ask shenlong to release the planets, but for that he required a password that he did not know. so maybe this is a time for diplomacy. the spheres are put in security in which they discover what will be the password. So well, Kefla and Eren are taken into questioning where they ask her questions, Kefla breaks her chains and answers the questions fluently saying there is no point in trying to contain her. so after answering questions all the walls are already aware, according to Kefla's knowledge, perhaps news of we are not alone in the universe, the truth of the wall and others are spread. the walls prepared for a possible war with Marley, and for fear of Kefla they did nothing to him. considering Kefla an ally. Although from nowhere they all disappear, this because universe 6 had lost and xeno sama had erased it, but they returned to exist after Android 17 asked to restore the universes, and the dragon restored them as they should be, so the Planets attached with a chain would return to their respective lines. The walls living in relative peace, Kefla and Eren had…. Can I say a more formal relationship? Does anyone want to read hentai? description as always. I take the opportunity to tell you what happened to the blog where will hentai write? Well I delete it blogger, who would say that it was forbidden to write about sex? End of the author's note. some time later they would arrive fords and champa with kabba since they wanted to see where Kefla ended up, and staying there, although the walls were afraid of having an even higher hierarchical rank than Kefla, but they would be fine as long as they give good food, champa He kept his promise, he will not destroy the earth as long as they give him delicious food, and he asked that they do not self-destruct that he already used the spheres to restore the planet that was destroyed on another occasion, and since they were talking about spheres they asked him for the password of which they had, so fordos tells them the password is "get out of there sheng Long" and voila, could you wish for anything? But what did that desire keep? Kefla could ask to be separated by 2. but no, he liked how it was, it was there when Eren discovered that Kefla was 2 souls in one body. Kefla asked if they could take him to the planet of the sayajin and fords tells him that this is it, Kefla or part she doubted because she had become attached to Eren. so he proposed to Eren to accompany Eren to his planet and Eren agreed, when they left, it took a while. seeing that the walls did not arrive, it was time to understand Ymir. and the walls later went by boat. They went to Marley, but to her surprise it was a devastated Marley, she went through the worst crisis, and that's when they found the opportunity. The walls propose Marley and the world in general a treatment, in exchange for the removal of all discrimination, give the Eldians equal treatment and other things, they will restore the world and so they did and fulfilled, With the dragon balls they asked that everything, including living things, be restored. so shen Long rebuilt Marley and revived all those who in that year had died of an unnatural cause. In the face of such an act Marley reluctantly had to meet his demands, later the 2 nameks would come to earth to exchange knowledge, it was a new beginning, the beginning of a new human civilization, where each year shen Long was asked a wish that would benefit All of humanity, the 9 Titan Powers still continued on Marley. Eren would die of the 13 year curse later, Kefla saddened by that. End, what end would you have given him? write it in the comments, bye bye

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